Network Governance
The GEF Civil Society Network is governed by its members, who play an active role in shaping its direction through elected facilitators and representatives. These elected individuals, including the Chair, Vice Chair, and Heads of Sub-committees, ensure the smooth facilitation of meetings and coordination of activities. Additionally, members have the opportunity to engage directly in technical workgroups, where they can contribute their expertise to specific areas of focus, fostering collaborative efforts toward sustainable development and environmental goals.
Network Coordination Committee (CC)
The Coordination Committee (CC) is the administrative body of the GEF-CSO Network. The purpose of this body is to organise the GEF-CSO Network membership and activities. The Coordination Committee is composed of representatives of:
- Elected Regional Focal Points (RFPs) from 16 geographic regions
- 3 Indigenous Peoples Focal Points from Asia, Africa and Latin America.
The Coordination Committee elects a Chair, Vice Chair, the Heads of four Sub-committees from among its members, and includes representatives from the Secretariat.
The Coordination Committee meets twice a year, typically alongside the GEF Council meetings or as needed, conducting its proceedings in an orderly manner following established rules of procedure. A Chair and Vice Chair are elected from among the members to facilitate these meetings.
Network Governance Structure

Coordination Committee Management Team
The Management Team comprises of the Chair, Vice-Chair and the Heads of the four Sub-committees.
Chair and Vice Chair
The Coordination Committee elects two RFPs/IPFPs to serve as Chair and Vice Chair for a term of two years. These roles are primarily administrative, focused on facilitating meetings and communication within the Network. The Chair is supported by the Vice Chair and the heads of the four Network sub-committees, all working collaboratively to guide the committee’s activities.
Sub-Committees and Task Forces
Sub-committees are facilitated by the Coordination Committee to support and engage the GEF CSO Network. The main sub-committees are as follows:
- Governance, Membership and Elections Sub-Committee
- Outreach, Communication and Capacity Development Sub-Committee
- Strategy and Planning Sub-Committee
- Technical Sub-Committee
Regional Focal Points
The members of the Network in each region elect a member CSO to act as a representative, called a Regional Focal Point (RFP). The elected CSO designates a senior individual to represent it at meetings of the Coordination Committee and other functions. The RFP may also appoint another alternative representative in case the main representative is unable to attend a given meeting.
The RFPs represent their regions in the Coordination Committee and are considered facilitators of the GEF-CSO Network in their respective regions.
Indigenous Peoples Focal Points
Three Focal Points (IPFP) representing indigenous people’s organizations are appointed or elected by Indigenous peoples’ groups from three main regions – Asia Pacific, Africa and the Americas.
The Network is supported by the GEF CSO Secretariat. The role of the Secretariat is to support the administrative work of the Network both at the time of CC and GEF council meetings as well as between meetings.